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Re: GOP-PROP 5: build system output (update)

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: GOP-PROP 5: build system output (update)
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 14:20:51 +0100

----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Percival" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 5:09 PM
Subject: GOP-PROP 5: build system output (update)

Update on this; I'm not ready to call it a "probable decision"

(proposal written by Phil Holmes, modified by Graham)

** Proposal summary

When you run make or make doc,

   * All output will be saved to various log files. (including
     output from make(1))
   * We will still display the output of make(1) on the console.

I read these as mutually exclusive. Are you saying we'll send the output of make both to a console and a log file? Why?

   * No other output will be displayed on the console, with one
     exception: if a build fails, we might display some
     portion(s) of log file(s) which give useful clues about the
     reason for the failure.

I think there should be an option to turn it all back on if you want - a sort of inverse of QUIET_BUILD. We should also get rid of the QUIET_BUILD variable completely.

   * Logfiles from calling lilypond (as part of lilypond-book)
     will go in the relevant
     ‘build/out/lybook-db/12/lily-123456.log’ file. All other
     logfiles will go in the ‘build/logfiles/’ directory.
   * Both stderr and stdout will be saved in *.log. The order of
     lines from these streams must be preserved.

I do not believe this is possible, given the buffered nature of stdout. See the font of all Unix knowledge, Wikipedia, when discussing sending both streams to the same file:

"Messages appear in the same order as the program writes them, unless buffering is involved. (For example, a common situation is when the standard error stream is unbuffered but the standard output stream is line-buffered; in this case, text written to standard error later may appear on the terminal earlier, if the standard output stream's buffer is not yet full.)"

   * There will be no additional “progress messages” during the
     build process. If you run make --silent, a non-failing build
     should print absolutely nothing to the screen.
   * Ideally, a failing build should provide hints about the
     reason why it failed, or at least hints about which log
     file(s) to examine.

Seems a repeat of bullet point 3?

** Rationale

Before any of the current work on reducing output from make, the
result of a "make doc" was over 500,000 lines of text. Finding
errors or warnings in that volume of output is always going to be
hard. The prime reason for the output being so verbose is that all
the processes that run as a result of the call to make echo their
output to the screen, often in verbose mode. Lilypond itself
produces around 370,000 lines of output as a result of
lilypond-book building all the snippets.

Much of this output can be redirected to logfiles and so the
impossible-to-read clutter on the screen is cut out and could be
referred to later. However, there is a danger in this approach,
that vital error messages can also be lost, thus preventing the
cause of the failure of a make being found. We therefore need to
be exceptionally careful to move cautiously, include plenty of
tests, and give time for people to experiment/find problems in
each stage before proceeding to the next stage.

A variable, QUIET_BUILD, can be set and this will reduce the
clutter but not eliminate it. (see
) This variable currently does things like adding a -q flag to the
TEXI2PDF call ("quiet") and getting rid of the –verbose flag in
some calls to LilyPond. However, it could be used more widely, as
proposed below.

** Implementation notes

none yet

- Graham

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Phil Holmes

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