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Re: centering text on a measure

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: centering text on a measure
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 15:56:53 +0100

David Nalesnik

However, I'd like to be able to
center the text on the measure regardless of what's in it (or, by extension, center it between items of my choosing). I'm hoping that there's a way to do this without relying on 'extra-offset, so that other grobs will move up
to avoid collisions.  Is this possible?

Hhm.  Can't think of a way without doing some
coding.  It would be nice if TextSpanner could
centre its text between the left and right
bounds (like the number on a tuplet bracket)
but it doesn't, AFAIK.  It would be a nice
extension to request, though.

MultiMeasureRestText can also be moved with
\once \override MultiMeasureRestText #'self-alignment-X = #-2
and this will enable collisions to be avoided
at the new position.


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