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Re: how to make decisions?

From: Janek Warchoł
Subject: Re: how to make decisions?
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 10:47:23 +0200

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 11:22 PM, Trevor Daniels <address@hidden> wrote:
> So what problems do the users have, exactly?  We should address this
> question first.
> [...]
> But if we are to have a discussion about syntax let's first list the problems
> we need to solve, and reach agreement on which ones need to be tackled.
> Then we know what it is we are trying to optimise.

I think that's a very good idea.  It seems to me that we don't have
the big picture yet - and we should have it before discussing specific

I think that for the next several weeks we should focus on gathering
information about the /problems/ people have.  Not the ideas for
solutions.  Problems.

For example,
  "in { a \parenthesize b \mf c d } it's confusing what gets
parenthesized and what gets mezzoforte"
is a description of a problem, while
  "lets require a dash before everything that attaches to a note"
is a solution.  Lets talks about problems first, then solutions.

I'd propose these as the official rules of thumb for next 2 months:
- describe the problems you have.  What is confusing?  What is
inconvenient?  What is difficult to express in Lily syntax?
- don't discuss possible solutions.  If you absolutely have to,
mention shortly and idea, but don't discuss it yet.

This way we won't waste our time discussing the specifics before
knowing what is this all about.

What do you think? Graham?


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