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Re: Various clean-ups in stems and beams. (issue 6584045)

From: dak
Subject: Re: Various clean-ups in stems and beams. (issue 6584045)
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 22:50:07 +0000
> input/regression/ \override
> #'kievan
> Why can't we use the new function here, e.g.,
> \kievanOn

\kievenOn only works on the voice level and the overrides happen on
the staff

How about making \pattern a music function taking a context
modification as argument?  Then you could write

\pattern \with { \override = #'slash }
\pattern \with { \kievanOn }
\pattern \with { ... }

and just pass the context mod on to the \new Voice within \pattern.

It seems awkward to use Staff-wide overrides here.

By the way: it's frightening how fast one gets used to the new
override syntax.  I had to think really hard about whether this was
supposed to be different previously or not.  And then it seems strange
that there would have been no dot.

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