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Re: Fedora 19 comes with guile 2.0.9 - cannot use 2.17.22

From: Julien Rioux
Subject: Re: Fedora 19 comes with guile 2.0.9 - cannot use 2.17.22
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 15:29:07 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130620 Thunderbird/17.0.7

On 13/07/2013 6:52 AM, Frédéric Bron wrote:
I read also that:
"The packages will have to be patched to Require and BuildRequire the
compat-guile18(-devel) package. Furthermore, they will have to be
patched (if necessary) to use the renamed autotools macros. The
patches to spec files and autotools macros are easy to implement.
Packages that are already built will not have to be rebuilt (there are
no soname bumps in the compat package) and should function without any
problems. Only new releases will have to be patched."

This confirms that lilypond cannot be built without modification. I
just have to find these "easy to implement" patches... If someone has

I found in the src rpm what to do:
export GUILE=/usr/bin/guile1.8
export GUILE_CONFIG=/usr/bin/guile1.8-config
export GUILE_TOOLS=/usr/bin/guile1.8-tools

that works now! Any possibility to do that automatically in configure?

I don't think ./configure should do this automatically, but at the very least, it should fail when it finds a guile version that is incompatible with our source code. Can you please open an issue for it\?


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