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Re: Website improvements, part 1

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Website improvements, part 1
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 17:28:53 +0100
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Am 11.12.2013 15:14, schrieb David Kastrup:
Urs Liska <address@hidden> writes:

I have discussed with Carl (Peterson) that it would be good to proceed
with the following steps:
- get the proposed _content_ changes into a shape for a formal review.
   (Do this informally and incrementally so we'll have only one formal
review in the end)
- Once that's clear Carl will work on a new appearance,
   taking into account if the content would require structural changes
- While he's working on that translators can try to update the website
The last point won't work: you rather need to update the structure of
the translations yourself so that the result passes compilation and is
valid HTML.

Sorry, I don't really understand what this means. Please be slightly more verbose. I see the issue of branches that James was talking about, but I don't think that's what you mean.

Considering the "strucutre of the translations": Either I didn't make myself clear or I don't understand something.
All i have done so far is editing the .itexi files in Documentation/web.
when I 'make website' I see the english site as I modified it and all the other languase (to the extent I can check them) in their old form. But make doesn't complain, and they are "correctly" displayed, although with their old content of course.

When changing the page order I rearranged the @nodes in the .itexi files and switched the corresponding lines in the @menu section.
This is of course not represented in the translations.

So what should I do now?
Proceed until I'm (we're) finished and then rebase to some-branch before uploading for review? Do _I_ have to propagate these rearrangements to the translations at that point?


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