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Re: Gvim point and click guide

From: Federico Bruni
Subject: Re: Gvim point and click guide
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 06:31:55 +0100

Il giorno mer 27 feb 2019 alle 0:31, Andrew Bernard <address@hidden> ha scritto:
There's been a lot of long discussion about how to get gvim going with
point and click lately. I finally achieved this, but found the NR missing
important information, and to be ever so slightly in error. To that, I
wrote a fully fleshed out howto page on what to do. I posted it to the user
group, with not a sniff of interest. I believe what I wrote would be a
worthwhile contribution to the NR in this area.

How does one go about submitting this to the documentation team?

I wanted to test your tutorial but I haven't had any spare time so far.
I hope I'll have it soon.
I noticed some imprecisions..

If you want to submit a patch to the LilyPond documentation - which I believe it's actually better than a post - you should follow the Documentation style and IMO you should try to provide information which could work on any Linux distro and not only Ubuntu or a specific desktop environment (e.g. using xdg-open instead of gnome-open).

A blog post would be Ok too and then someone else could use it to add the information to the Usage manual.
It's up  to you.

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