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Build Mac binary

From: gymno
Subject: Build Mac binary
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 08:16:38 -0700 (MST)

I just tried to build source of lilypond-git on Mac OS X Mojave.

After I git clone, and ran the following configure command, I
encountered errors.

--disable-documentation --enable-guile2

The result message includes the following.

WARNING: Please consider installing optional programs or files:  URW++ OTF
fonts (download OTF files from
and put them under '~/.local/share/fonts' etc., or use --with-urwotf-dir)
libpango1.0-dev or pango?-devel >= 1.38.0 (It is required if you'd like to
use OpenType font feature. installed: 1.42.4) extractpdfmark (Optionally
using Ghostscript >= 9.20 together with Extract PDFmark can significantly
reduce the disk space required for building the documentation and the final
PDF files.) texi2html <= 1.82 (installed: 5.0) dblatex epsf.tex lh CTAN
package (texlive-lang-cyrillic or texlive-texmf-fonts) pngtopnm

ERROR: Please install required programs:  libpango1.0-dev or pango?-devel >=
1.6.0 (installed: 1.42.4) libgobject-dev or gobject?-devel >= 2.38
(installed: 2.60.6)

See INSTALL.txt for more information on how to build LilyPond

I couldn't figure out a few things.

1) Why the warning requires  URW++ OTF fonts while fc-list |grep texgyre
returns fonts like texgyreschola-regular.otf
2) The error says I need libpango1.0-dev and I have it with sufficient
version. What am I requested?
3) I couldn't find INSTALL.txt. 

I'v already installed lilypond via brew. I just want to know how to build
Mac binary rather than Linux binary with LilyDev.

Any comments will be appreciated.

Thank you,


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