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Re: updates \version statements for snippets from new/

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: updates \version statements for snippets from new/
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2022 23:08:42 +0200
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Le 25/09/2022 à 22:51, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
If you run this on master:

perl scripts/auxiliar/ --new

you get

$ git diff --stat
  Documentation/snippets/ | 2 +-


There are \version changes for snippets that come from new; they
seem to change from \version "2.23.12" to \version "2.23.13" (while
current master is 2.23.14).

Is that expected?
Yes.  If I add `--verbose` and a proper `--path=...` option to make
the script use an up-to-date `convert-ly` binary, I get, for example,

   convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.23.14

   convert-ly: Processing `'...
   Applying conversion: 2.23.6, 2.23.7, 2.23.8, 2.23.9, 2.23.10, 2.23.11, 
2.23.12, 2.23.13

which means that indeed `convert-ly` is called correctly.

IIRC, it's exactly the same behaviour as with the old script.

OK, thanks. However, I wonder if there should be a way not to
introduce unrelated changes in an MR. Right now, if I change one
line in a snippet in new/, the MR diff will be cluttered by all
those version updates. Or am I expected to only commit the relevant
files anyway?

IIRC, calling wouldn't introduce unrelated changes,
but I may be wrong here.

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