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Re: some objects not clickable

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: some objects not clickable
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 12:35:14 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Werner LEMBERG <> writes:

>> The ligature is apparently not printed by a `VaticanaLigature` but
>> by a `NoteHead` (try `\override NoteHead.color = blue`).  A bit
>> disconcerting.
> Interestingly, adding
> ```
> \addLink NoteHead "writing-pitches"
> ```
> doesn't help for `VaticanaLigature` (but works for normal note heads).
> This looks like a problem deep in `` (and
> ``, which has exactly the same problem
> for `MensuralLigature`).

Clickability comes from make_spanner/make_item calls' second argument.
If it is in itself a clickable grob or a stream event with a traceable
origin, the ultimate origin gives the point-and-click position.

It also has some relation to whether you can tweak the grob by using
\tweak on the music expression creating the stream event (grobs reaching
the originating event only via another grob need a directed tweak
explicitly stating their grob name).

David Kastrup

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