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Lilypond-book, now 1.5.73 still does not work

From: Carlos
Subject: Lilypond-book, now 1.5.73 still does not work
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 16:21:10 +0200

I am sorry, but I have to bring back the issue of Lilypond-book. I how now
installed what it seems a working version 1.5.73. I did a few simple samples
and seems to work. The problem remains with Lilypond-book.

Matts, I have bothered you with this the last two days and I might be close
to get it to work but still it does not.

Please look to the attached example

    \documentclass {book}
    \begin {document}
    This is an example of how Lilypond-book should work. After this line of
text I am puting just a verys simple example. In fact,
from the Lilypond instalation.
        \begin [eps]{lilypond}
            \score { \context Voice \notes\relative c { c' d e f g a b c } }
        \end {lilypond}
    and now should come the text after the scale. I hope it works.
    \end {document}

This does not work wehn doing  'lilypond-book cosa.lytex'

It start lilypond-book but it says reading /home/Administrator/cosa.lytex,
and stays there for ever. I have to kill the program after a few minutes.

The problem with the other option i.e. doing 'ly2dvi -p --preview'
is that it calls gswiew and this does not come with the cygwin instalation
anymore. But I agree that Lilpond-book should be a better option if I can
make it work.What is missing?

I hope this discussion will help others too.

Thanks a lot


Attachment: cosa.lytex
Description: Binary data

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