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Re: Lilypond & Mac OS-X 10.3

From: Christian Hitz
Subject: Re: Lilypond & Mac OS-X 10.3
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 22:07:06 +0100


Am 18.03.2004 um 21:51 schrieb Christ van Willegen:

I have Mac OS-X 10.3 (Panther), and I've installed the X11 that comes on the 3rd CD. Now, whenever I use fink from the command line, or with FinkCommander, fink tries to build Xfree86, which I shouldn't need. I've seen documentation that suggests that fink is able to find out if X11 is installed, and if it is, it doesn't reinstall it...

Did you install the X11 SDK from the XCode CD? I think it's not installed by default when you install the Developer Tools. Without the SDK fink will not be able to use Apple's X11.

Here's the output of my latest fink attempt. Did I do something wrong, or is there something wrong with my fink? I answered No to the last question to avoid re-building X11...

Your choices seem reasonable.


Christian Hitz
Unterehrendingen, Switzerland
address@hidden     or     address@hidden

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