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Re: Lilypond-book indentation

From: Matthew Syvinski
Subject: Re: Lilypond-book indentation
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 19:46:46 -0500

Thank you for your willingness to look at this.
Background info:  This is part of what is intended to be a LARGE liturgical work. 
Package "liturgix" is basically a set of convenience functions I wrote for typesetting Orthodox liturgical works.  I can't imagine that it has ANY interaction with LilyPond, since it is never called within LilyPond, nor is LilyPond called from within these commands.
The parent LaTeX document looks like this:
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
\textwidth 6.5in
\textheight 9.25in
\topmargin 0.0in
\headheight 0.0in
\headsep -0.3in
%\footheight 0.1in
\title{The Paschal Liturgy, including the Reading of the Acts of the Apostles, Midnight Office,
Matins of the Resurrection, and the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom}
\Huge{The Paschal Liturgy}\\*
\Large{comprising the Reading of the Acts of the Apostles,\\*Midnight Office,
Matins of the Resurrection,\\*and the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom}\\~\\
\input{acts.latex} % Reading of the Acts of the Apostles
\input{midoff.latex} % Midnight Office
\input{resmat.latex} % Matins of the Resurrection
The music is called from within resmat.latex.  The referencing LaTeX document looks like this:
\litsec{Matins of the Resurrection}
\litsubsec{Thy Resurrection}
\rubric{At midnight, all lights in the church are extinguished, except for one in the altar.
The following is sung thrice by the clergy, then sung continuously by the people during the procession.}
\tone{Stichera, Tone Six}
The odd-looking commands are from custom "liturgix"
The music (LilyPond file) called from resmat.latex looks like this (it is partially done because I wanted to test first).  I get a musical score (correctly written), but the indent problem is present:
\version "2.10.12"
\include ""
  left-margin = 0.0\in
  line-width = 6.0\in
sopranoLine =
 #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
 \clef treble
 \key g \major
 \set Score.timing = ##f
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
g'4 g'\breve g'4 fs'2 g'2^\fermata \bar "|" % bar 1
a'4 a'4 a'4 a'4 a'2 g'2 a'2^\fermata \bar "|" % bar 2
b'4 b'4 b'4 a'2 g'2 fs'2^\fermata \bar "|" % bar 3
g'4 g'4 g'4 g'4 g'4 g'4 g'2 g'4 fs'4^\fermata fs'4^\fermata g'1^\fermata \bar "|." % bar 4
altoLine =
 #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
 \clef treble
 \key g \major
 \set Score.timing = ##f
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
tenorLine =
 #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
 \clef bass
 \key g \major
 \set Score.timing = ##f
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
bassLine =
 #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
 \clef bass
 \key g \major
 \set Score.timing = ##f
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
lyricsLine = \lyricmode
\set fontSize = #0
Thy "resurrection, O Christ" our Sa -- vior \bar "|"
The an -- gels in Hea -- ven sing. \bar "|"
En -- a -- ble us on earth \bar "|"
to glo -- ri -- fy Thee in pur -- i -- ty of heart. \bar "|"

 \new Voice = "upper"
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "upper" \lyricsLine
\layout { ragged-right = ##f indent = 0.0\in line-width=6.0\in}
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>I can't repeat the problem. Could you please send a small
>example file to the mailing list illustrating the problem.
>   /Mats
>Matthew Syvinski wrote:
>>I know this has been discussed before, and I've searched the mailing list,
>>but I can't seem to find a solution for the version I am using (2.10.12).
>>I want to make lilypond-book stop indenting the first line of music.
>>Failing that, I *NEED* to make lilypond-book stop overhanging the first line
>>of music to the right (i.e. the first line of music juts out to the right by
>>the same distance it is indented).
>>When I use the quote option with \lilypondfile{}, it indents 0.33 inch.  If
>>I don't, it indents 1.25 inch.  The noindent and indent=x\in options won't
>>work (I tried using a negative indent length).
>>I'm using lilypond 2.10.12 and MiKTeX 2.5 on WindowsXP.
>>Can anyone please help?
>>Many, many thanks!
>>Wayne Matthew Syvinski

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