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RE: multiple tempi in a single piece

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: RE: multiple tempi in a single piece
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 13:38:07 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.5)

Quoting Trevor Daniels <address@hidden>:

2) Do you still need to add the global default
tempo in the MIDI block if you do this?

Yes, I believe this is still necessary - it was in LP 2.8.

It isn't necessary in LP 2.10 and as far as I can remember it was not necessary in 2.8 either.

 tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4)

Or rather simpler:
  \tempo 4=72

No, this syntax can no longer be used in the \midi{...} block
in version 2.10 or later.

Please Trevor, when you answer questions on the mailing list and
base your answers on your experience with version 2.8, please make
this very clear, since there are a number of differences between
2.8 and the latest stable.

3) If so, and you also explicitly add a tempo in
measure 1 of your tempo voice, and they are
different, does it produce an error or does one
override the other?

I've not tried making them different, but I would guess the one in the measure would prevail.

OK, I spent one minute to test it, and at least with my MIDI player, the setting within the music overrides the global setting, which was what I suspected.


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