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Re: explicitly stating the output filename

From: Stan Sanderson
Subject: Re: explicitly stating the output filename
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 13:37:09 -0600

On Dec 3, 2007, at 9:50 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 03.12.2007 um 16:45 schrieb Stan Sanderson:

On Dec 3, 2007, at 8:34 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

While I'm fine just renaming my files after they are created or passing the output filename in my command-line options (I'm on 2.11.35-2 Mac OSX), I was just wondering if there's a way to explictly set the filename in my lilypond file. Something akin to the point-and-click option.



Not too closely related to "point and click", but...

If your PATH includes
you can open your terminal application and enter
lilypond --help

You will see a list of options which includes the key for setting the output file name.

e.g., lilypond -o Myfile

To check your path, type "env" in the terminal window.


Yeah, I'm fine doing it that way, I was just wondering if I could include that option in my lilypond file so I don't have to type it into my command line each time.

My apologies for reading your post too quickly; mea culpa.


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