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Re: Why can't I get a barline at the end of this"

From: Paul Scott
Subject: Re: Why can't I get a barline at the end of this"
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2007 08:06:19 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20071009)

Dominic Neumann wrote:
2007/12/9, Paul Scott <address@hidden>:
why does "||:" exist and ":||" not? seems unlogical to me...

The second question is not answered and should be considered something
like a bug.

The following leads to no bar line at the end of the repeated section
since ":||" is apparently undefined:

{ a'1 \repeat volta 2 { g'1 } \break \bar ":||" f'1 g'1 }

Paul Scott

Now you know the meaning of "||:". What would then be the sense of ":||"?
"||:" produces a double barline at the end of the bar before "||:" if
there is a linebreak. But at ":||" you want ":|" at the end of the bar
and this doesn´t change if there´s a line break.
Certainly it does!  You want a double bar at the beginning of the next line.


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