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\textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen

From: Chris Snyder
Subject: \textLengthOn - choosing which note to lengthen
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:12:42 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080724)

I'm running into a situation where \textLengthOn isn't behaving like I would expect it to. I have an organ piece where I'd like to put some text between the staves for the manuals. The text is a bit too long, however, so it hits the barline. Adding \textLengthOn seems to be the right solution. Unfortunately, I can't get it to do anything other than lengthen the space after the shortest note that occurs at the same time as the text, even the shorter note is in a different voice than the text.

The expected/desired behavior for me would be to have that command lengthen the time interval for the note that the text is attached to - if it was attached to a whole-note in a 4/4 bar, for instance, I'd expect it to expand the whole bar to match the length of the text. Instead, it lengthens the length of the shortest note in the bar.

I've whipped up an example of what's going on:

Thanks in advance.

-Chris Snyder

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