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Re: Accidentals: Unwanted naturals

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: Accidentals: Unwanted naturals
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 19:22:31 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 08:46:59AM -0500, Tim McNamara wrote:
> For the developers, I think that something is confusing here for English 
> speakers:  the use of -es and -is for flatted and sharped notes as the 
> default.  I was initially bewildered by this, not knowing that the 
> default conventions are Dutch.

Well, the sentence immediately after the introduction of
is/es/isis/eses says "This syntax is derived from note naming
conventions in Nordic and Germanic languages, like German and
(although that might have changed after you started using it)

> If the user is "new to music in general" then they have set themselves a 
> daunting task trying to score music with LilyPond.  There is no way for 
> the documentation to make up for the user's lack of knowledge about the 
> structure of music.

Actually, in some ways there is -- the music glossary.  And those
links are at the top of every section in the Learning manual!

So I'd say this: if somebody is new to music in general, doesn't
read the Learning manual carefully, and doesn't read about
unfamiliar terms in the music glossary, then they'll have a very
daunting task.

- Graham

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