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Re: Pentatonic Diatonic Transposition?

From: Marc Hohl
Subject: Re: Pentatonic Diatonic Transposition?
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 18:21:50 +0100
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Am 21.01.2011 08:46, schrieb Basso Ridiculoso:
Hello Marc,

Danke für deine antwort zu meine frage! :)

Its funny you point out those functins, because I have been looking at that...but I have not been able to make it work. I hope you don't mind a direct reply to your email.
No problem, but since others may encounter the same problem, it is better to discuss it on the
list, so I redirect the reply to -user.

I don't believe I can define only a 5 note scale with his function, it will only do 7 notes?
Sorry, I overlooked the term "pentatonic" in your first mail.
I think that heptatonic scales are somewhat "hardcoded" in lilypond, but I am not sure about this.

And the only syntax example I have seen on using that is about 2 years old and it isn't obvious what I would transpose.

I have been working from this one..but no dice so far.

And here is where get lost

% mix between lydian and mixolydian
milydian = #`(
   (0 . 0)
   (1 . 0)
   (2 . 0)
   (3 . ,SHARP)
   (4 . 0)
   (5 . 0)
   (6 . ,FLAT))

melodie = \relative c' { \times 2/3 { cis8 d e } f2 }

\new Staff {
   \time 3/4
   \mode*Transpose*  g \milydian #-3 d' \lydian \melodie % IV ->  I
   \mode*Transpose*  g \milydian #3 e' \lydian \melodie % IV ->  VII


So I guess I would define
MyPentatonc = #`(
   (0 . 0)      % the root a
   (1 . ,SHARP) %to get c?
   (2 . 0)      %the note d
   (3 . 0)     %the note e
   (5 . ,SHARP)) %the note g?

This is assuming that the (1.0) distance is a whole step?
No. IMHO the first number is the number of the note within the scale,
whereas the second number is 0 when the note is not altered, otherwise
you have to wite ,FLAT or ,SHARP, respectively.

I don't think that pentatonic scales are supported as-is, but I could be wrong.
Perhaps anyone more familiar with the internals can chime in?

So then, how do I say "diatonically transpose to 'mode' of g' within that scale? I dont get what he is doing with the \modetranspose and the \lydian etc. Do I have to define each mode of the pentatonic somewhere as well?

Thanks for answering so quick! Any help would be appreciate

Sorry for not being able to be more helpful...


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