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Re: Invisible glissando, best fix?

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: Invisible glissando, best fix?
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2015 12:35:18 +0100
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On 08.11.2015 11:36, Richard Shann wrote:
On Sat, 2015-11-07 at 23:36 +0100, Simon Albrecht wrote:
On 07.11.2015 11:54, Richard Shann wrote:
In some circumstances LilyPond leaves a glissando invisible:

\version "2.19.25"

     d'' 4\glissando  cis'' 4  c''   b' }

I looked up the issues list and found this:

   { \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #5
     \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
     d'' 4\glissando  cis'' 4  c''   b' }

but before I did that I just used a command available in Denemo thus:
{ d'' 4\glissando \once \override NoteColumn.X-offset = #2
      cis'' 4  c''   b' }

These achieve similar effects for this tiny example, I wonder if someone
could give me some insights into the merits or demerits of these
The first one is clearly preferable. Firstly, it’s more semantically
appropriate, because it better matches the reason you need a tweak. And
LilyPond much tends to reward staying with semantically correct
solutions. Such also in this case:
The second version won’t work at all if there is another voice with the
same notes in the same staff(1), and in other cases it will break
vertical alignment of voices, which you’ll likely not want.

HTH, Simon
Thanks - I did some experimentation and found the alignment breaking
thing. I've put the preferred handling of this into Denemo.
About the

changed code formatting; IMO this is more compliant to
existent guidelines as well as to general usage (as far as there is
a thing in the LilyPond community) and easier to read.)

I can see you omitted a space between \once and \override, which seems
like a good idea. I was wondering whether there were even more modern
things (\tweak ?) that I could be using...

Actually, \tweak is not essentially more ‘modern’ but simply a different tool which will behave differently. It’s effect is more precisely directed to only the one music expression that follows, IIUC. Another sidenote: the hash sign for stand-alone numbers is not required anymore, the only exception being that #.5 works, but without # you need to type 0.5 explicitly.

Yours, Simon

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