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Re: list of thicknesses affected by changing StaffSymbol.thickness

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: list of thicknesses affected by changing StaffSymbol.thickness
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 23:15:46 +0100
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On 31.01.2016 22:34, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Ultimately, my goal is to be able to design stylesheets that match certain “house 
styles” (e.g., Hanle, Chappell & Co., Peters). I find that many plate-engraved 
scores appear to have a slightly heavier overall look to the staff lines, so I 
wanted to increase them without necessarily increasing the others proportionally.

I agree, by default the staff lines look rather light in LilyPond. Perhaps you can make a point if you statistically show that hand-engraved scores use to have thicker staff lines in relation to other line thicknesses, such as to convince ‘the developers’ that we should change the default. In the meantime, I do think that it should be easier to override staff line thickness in a style sheet without changing other line thicknesses. And it really makes sense to have a context property ‘lineThickness’ as ‘master’ line thickness, instead of a grob property StaffSymbol.thickness. I’ll submit that as an enhancement request.

Best, Simon

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