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Tremolo repeats and groups of notes

From: Marco Bagolin
Subject: Tremolo repeats and groups of notes
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 05:13:10 +0000

Hi all,
please someone can help me?
Thank you in advance

1. I did not find a solution to reproduce the following tremolo notes in tuplets:

My best solution is the following… but beam slash position and direction is not as in the example:


\version "2.18.2"


\score {


\time 4/4

\key bes \major


                \tuplet 3/2 { d8:16 -\markup { \tiny \italic { rep. notes opt. }} \f f8:16 bes:16 } \tuplet 3/2 { c8:16 ees?8:16 aes8:16 } c4|



2. I did not find a solution to reproduce the following group od notes:

My best solution is the following, but is not as in the example:


\version "2.18.2"


\score {


\clef bass

\time 4/4

\key bes \major



                               \tuplet 3/2 { f16 \upbow -\markup { \line { \concat { \dynamic p } \italic { accel. e cresc. }}} f f }

                               \tuplet 3/2 { ges16[ ges16 ges16] }

                               \tuplet 3/2 { aes16[ aes16 aes16] }


                               \tuplet 3/2 { bes16[ bes16 bes16] }

                               \tuplet 3/2 { c16[ c16 c16] }

                               \tuplet 3/2 { d16[ d16 d16] }

                               \tuplet 3/2 { ees16[ ees16 ees16] }|



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