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Re: Tremolo repeats and groups of notes

From: Malte Meyn
Subject: Re: Tremolo repeats and groups of notes
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 08:30:16 +0200
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Am 12.04.2018 um 07:13 schrieb Marco Bagolin:
Hi all,
please someone can help me?

Hi Mark,

please always give minimal *working* examples. Your code doesn’t compile.

Also it would be better to write simple text emails instead of HTML, because then it’s easier to copy the code and have it nicely formatted.

For your second question:

        \set Timing.subdivideBeams = ##t
        \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)

For your first question:

You could try something like

        \override StemTremolo.slope = #0.5

but I’d recommend not to try to copy the notation you posted exactly because the tremolo beams should be near the beams (see also Gould, “Behind Bars”).

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