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Re: Release schedule for 2.20

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Release schedule for 2.20
Date: Wed, 09 May 2018 17:11:38 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Lukas-Fabian Moser <address@hidden> writes:

> (I, for example, just recently switched to self-compiled Lilypond
> because of Malte's amazing work on the \haydnTurn which was prompted
> by my question. To my surprise, compiling turned out to be quite easy,
> but of course there /were /some slight dependency issues, /and /I'm
> running on Linux which simplifies matters.)

"simplifies matters" -- not really.  It's the only possible way.  We do
all other versions via crosscompilation.

> Question: How difficult/costly/... would it be to prepare a "daily
> build from current master" for download?

Very.  We are talking about 6 hours of build time on a pretty solidly
powered 8-processor machine.  Actually, we _were_ talking about that
before adding the Catalan translation to the docs and further
complicating the Documentation build process in order to get more
compact PDFs.

> While this certainly would be overkill during times when there's a new
> unstable release every few weeks or so, it would I think, by way of
> contrast, highlight the status of the unstable releases more clearly:
> "The stable releases are rock-solid; the unstable releases usually
> work flawlessly but are subject to change; the daily build is
> something for the reckless and impatient." (Whereas now, the latter is
> the way people tend to think about the /unstable /releases which
> underestimates their quality.)

There will be another prerelease coming up soonish as there were again a
few (just not all) critical fixes.

David Kastrup

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