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Re: Grace Notes size

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: Grace Notes size
Date: Sun, 27 May 2018 08:42:00 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.6

On 2018-05-27 06:10, foxfanfare wrote:
Thomas Morley-2 wrote
Is this significant different from what you see?
Unfortunately, yes!


For reference, what you are seeing is a line endings issue. Windows' Notepad has always been famously and notoriously bad in this regard, as it only supports the carriage-return/line-feed (CRLF) combination for delimiting lines. Lilypond comes from the *nix world that typically uses only a single line-feed, and all of the source files are written this way. As such, it just looks like all of the lines run together.

Most modern text editors are more aware of cross-platform issues and alternate encodings, so they will detect line endings and render appropriately. For example, Notepad++ [1] is a great choice on Windows, if you want a more featured but still relatively lightweight editor. And while Visual Studio Code [2] is my editor of choice these days, I still keep Notepad++ around as it is lightyears ahead of the ancient and decrepit Notepad.


-- Aaron Hill

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