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Re: Sample document to show music fonts

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Sample document to show music fonts
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2018 00:31:57 +0200
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Am 19.09.2018 um 19:38 schrieb foxfanfare:
Urs Liska-3 wrote
In a nutshell (would take too long to explain in detail)

   * Significantly improve the "Show available fonts" dialog that so far
     only shows the pretty uncomprehensible LilyPond log:
       o Display real family names, grouped and sorted, with actual-font
       o Allow filtering by typing in a line edit.
   * Show all music fonts that are "installed" for the given LilyPond
     installation. The preview is what I'm asking about in this thread.
   * Remove music fonts from the current LilyPond installation
   * (Recursively) "Install" music fonts from a directory by linking them
     into the LilyPond installation
   * Planned: Select text and music fonts and generate the corresponding
     code to insert in the document

lilypond-user mailing list
Sounds very promising :) I didn't know Frescobaldi was still in development!

To be honest, it is "in development" but only very intermittently. You can see the sobering truth here: Right now I'm in a rush to get through with a few of my long-standing wishes and ideas, but I can't tell how long that will last. Actually we've just started discussing an outline to a set of exciting new functions that will hopefully add significant usability improvements and lead to a 3.1 release in the not-too-distant future.

But at the core is that we should urgently have at least one, better two or three fresh developers who can spend some sort of continued contribution (of course I'm not talking about full-time committment). Any referrals to forums where such people could be found or to concrete persons would be very welcome.


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