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3/4 time suddenly become 5/8 time for one measure?

From: Aaron Feldman
Subject: 3/4 time suddenly become 5/8 time for one measure?
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2019 22:20:54 +0000 (UTC)

GNU LilyPond 2.18.2

running on Ubuntu 18.04

Compiling as text with no gui

In measure 29 the tempo changes to 5/8 time for no reason when I continue with 8th notes. Please note that the line that reads   \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3/4)   was my attempt to fix it. That did not help, exactly the same result with, or without it.

Any help greatly appreciated.  This is the first time I have contacted the lilypond list.

\version "2.18.2"
\time 3/4

#(set-global-staff-size 30)

 a'8\f^\markup {  \hspace #-5 \lower #-3 \bold { Allegro } } (b'8 c''8 b'8 c''8 [a''8])

<a'' f'''>2.
<fis'' e'''>2.
a8\p (b) c' (a) f'^\markup {  \bold  \italic { \lower #-3 {H. Feldman} } } (e')
<dis' a>2.\> <e' gis>\!
\relative c'' {
  f8\mf (e f e)  dis, (e)
<<{d' (c d c) \dimTextDim b\> ([a\!])} \\ { e2  r4}>>
<<{a2.} \\ {c,8 ([b c b]) c ([b])}>>
<a''  b,>8 ([f]) g ([f]) e ([d])
a, ([b c b]) c ([a'])
<a f'>2.
<gis e'>2.
 \override BreathingSign.text = \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.caesura.curved" }
\breathe f'16\f (e) dis8 (dis2)
g16\mf (fis) eis8 (eis2)
c'16\f (b) ais8 (ais2)
a,!8 (b c b c a')
<a e'>2.
<fis e'>2.
<gis e'>2.
<g! ees'>2.
\tuplet 6/2 { a,8 (b c a <b g> a') } \ottava #1 <c a'>2
 <gis' b,>2. \ottava #0
 \tuplet 3/2 { g,,,8 (d' bes' } <bes g'>2)
<d bes'>2.
<a' cis,>2.
g,,8_\markup { \italic pizz. } d' bes' g' <g,, d' b'>4
<d' a'>8 <a' a'>2.
  \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3/4)
a8 b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c

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