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Re: 3/4 time suddenly become 5/8 time for one measure?

From: Andrew Bernard
Subject: Re: 3/4 time suddenly become 5/8 time for one measure?
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2019 13:37:12 +1100

Hi Aaron,

Welcome to lilypond.

There's a convention on the list to only post Minimal Working Examples, so that people stand a chance of being able to help you without undue  effort. MWE's by convention should not contain basic syntactical errors (which you can winkle out by paying close attention to the lilypond compiler error messages).

Here's the relevant information:

As a piece if advice, always (that is, always) use bar checks for every bar. They save hours of headaches.


On Sun, 31 Mar 2019 at 09:23, Aaron Feldman <address@hidden> wrote:
GNU LilyPond 2.18.2

running on Ubuntu 18.04

Compiling as text with no gui

In measure 29 the tempo changes to 5/8 time for no reason when I continue with 8th notes. Please note that the line that reads   \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3/4)   was my attempt to fix it. That did not help, exactly the same result with, or without it.

Any help greatly appreciated.  This is the first time I have contacted the lilypond list.

\version "2.18.2"
\time 3/4

#(set-global-staff-size 30)

 a'8\f^\markup {  \hspace #-5 \lower #-3 \bold { Allegro } } (b'8 c''8 b'8 c''8 [a''8])

<a'' f'''>2.
<fis'' e'''>2.
a8\p (b) c' (a) f'^\markup {  \bold  \italic { \lower #-3 {H. Feldman} } } (e')
<dis' a>2.\> <e' gis>\!
\relative c'' {
  f8\mf (e f e)  dis, (e)
<<{d' (c d c) \dimTextDim b\> ([a\!])} \\ { e2  r4}>>
<<{a2.} \\ {c,8 ([b c b]) c ([b])}>>
<a''  b,>8 ([f]) g ([f]) e ([d])
a, ([b c b]) c ([a'])
<a f'>2.
<gis e'>2.
 \override BreathingSign.text = \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.caesura.curved" }
\breathe f'16\f (e) dis8 (dis2)
g16\mf (fis) eis8 (eis2)
c'16\f (b) ais8 (ais2)
a,!8 (b c b c a')
<a e'>2.
<fis e'>2.
<gis e'>2.
<g! ees'>2.
\tuplet 6/2 { a,8 (b c a <b g> a') } \ottava #1 <c a'>2
 <gis' b,>2. \ottava #0
 \tuplet 3/2 { g,,,8 (d' bes' } <bes g'>2)
<d bes'>2.
<a' cis,>2.
g,,8_\markup { \italic pizz. } d' bes' g' <g,, d' b'>4
<d' a'>8 <a' a'>2.
  \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3/4)
a8 b c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c

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