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Stem in double division

From: Niels
Subject: Stem in double division
Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 08:05:03 +0200
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Dear users,

For a pianoscore I want to use three voices for the lower staff.
First I divide into two parts, then the upper voice again in two.
However, I am getting a warning"

ly:10:26: warning: adding note head to incompatible stem (type = 1/4)
   {\stemDown <c,,, c'>4~
                         q8 r r4}

and Lilypond compiles without a stem for te lower part (see attachment).
I decreased the stem-length of the upper voice so that there would be no interfering with the stem of the lower voice.
More, for the lower voice I applied \stemDown.
I have no clue how to revolve this. Could anyone help?

Regards, Niels

My code (for the lower staff):

\version "2.18.2"
music = \relative c {
 \clef bass
   {r4 <<{d'4. c8}
         {\once \override Stem.length = #'4 bes2}
   {\stemDown <c,,, c'>4~q8 r r4}
\score {

Attachment: adding note head to incompatible stem.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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