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Re: Stem in double division

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Stem in double division
Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 15:31:58 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Thomas Morley <address@hidden> writes:

> The << ... \\ ... >> construct creates two Voices named "1" and "2"
> While you do << << .. \\ ... >> \\  ... >> the second \\ will still
> have a Voice called "2". It's content will be added to the first
> created Voice called "2".
> So LilyPond tries to stem togehter 1/2 and 1/8. Ofcourse this does not work.
> You could try << .. \\ .. \\ .. >>, but for complex situations it's
> preferable to explicitely spell out the Voices. leading to:
> \relative c {
>    \clef bass
>    <<
>         \new Voice { \voiceOne r4 d'4. c8 }
>         \new Voice { \voiceTwo s4 bes2 }
>      \new Voice { \voiceTwo <c,,, c'>4~q8 r r4}
>    >>
> }

The second(!) one should be \voiceThree or \voiceFour, depending on
whether you want it to have stems up or down.  Generally, you should use
\voiceOne for the topmost voice, \voiceTwo for the lowest, \voiceThree
for the second from the top, \voiceFour for the second from the bottom
and so on.  That's a bit peculiar, particularly with << \\ \\ >>, but
that's how things developed.  At least you can change this nowadays with

\voices 1,3,2 << \\ \\ >>

and thus write the voices in top-to-bottom order even when having more
than two voices.

David Kastrup

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