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Re: use lilypondfile without creating link to source file

From: Caio Barros
Subject: Re: use lilypondfile without creating link to source file
Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 18:23:25 -0300

Em seg., 18 de mai. de 2020 às 12:23, David Nalesnik <address@hidden> escreveu:
Is it possible to use the <lilypondfile> command in lilypond-book and
not create a link to the LY file
in an HTML document?  I'm hoping there is some automation available
with lilypond-book.


I was able to do that tinkering with the file, normally found in your installation directory at lilypond/[current-version]/scripts/python/

You can make lilypond-book output just the image file by removing some lines. Here is the diff:

<  </a>
<     BEFORE: r'''<p>
<  <a href="">---
>     BEFORE: r'''<p>''',

As you can see, I just removed the parts of the file that create the <a> tag. Unfortunately I was only able to do that on the actual lilypond install directory. I tried to make a copy of to my local directory, modify it there, and invoke it both with the --load-custom-package and --include flags that are mentioned in the man page, but it didn't work. So, if you are going to change the file in your ilypond directory _please_ make a backup first.


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