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Re: detecting the start and end of a polyphonic passage from scheme

From: Maurits Lamers
Subject: Re: detecting the start and end of a polyphonic passage from scheme
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2020 11:07:45 +0200

Hi all,

Follow up question: is there a way to know the "parent" of the voices as they are defined in the code?
In the following example, I would like to determine that voice "two" splits off from voice "one" without relying on the context-id.
(ly:context-parent ctx) gives me the staff, not the "parent voice"...

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \time 2/2

      \new Voice = "one" {
        \relative c'' {
          g8 e
          \new Voice = "two" {
            \relative c'' { a8. g16 f8 e16 f g f e d }
          \new Voice = "three" {
            \relative c' { c8 a d8. c16 b8 a16 b }
      \new Voice = bottom {
        \relative c' { g1 }


Thanks in advance!



Van: Aaron Hill <>
Onderwerp: Antw.: detecting the start and end of a polyphonic passage from scheme
Datum: 25 juni 2020 17:12:13 CEST

On 2020-06-25 7:01 am, Maurits Lamers wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to build a system based on the listener system which can
identify voices in a piece of music.
I use a listener to the Voice context to give me the note events.
In the following passage I can use (ly:context-id
(ly:translator-context engraver) to get the id, which is empty for c4,
"1" for the first voice, "2" for the second voice, and empty again for
d4 at the end.
time 4/4 \relative c' {  c4 << { c8 d e4 } \\ { c8 b c4 } >> d4 | }
However in the following passage the context-id cannot be used because
it is not set.
\relative c' {
     \new Voice {
         \new Voice {
           c8 d e4
         \new Voice {
           c8 b c4
I am currently using object properties to follow these voices by
setting a unique value for that voice context object, but that doesn't
help me
to detect properly the start and end of the polyphonic passage. The
main voice gets 1, the first nested voice will be 2, the second nested
voice will be 3.
For transcription purposes it would be very helpful to detect the
start and end of the polyphonic passage. Is this possible?

The initialize and finalize procedures of an engraver will run when the context in which it is \consisted begins and ends.  Consider:

\version "2.20.0"

#(define custom-uid
 (let ((custom-uid-prop (make-object-property))
       (last-uid 0))
   (lambda (obj)
     (or (custom-uid-prop obj)
           (set! last-uid (1+ last-uid))
           (set! (custom-uid-prop obj) last-uid)

handle-init-and-final =
#(lambda (context)
   ((initialize engraver)
     (let* ((ctxt (ly:translator-context engraver))
            (id (ly:context-id ctxt))
            (uid (custom-uid ctxt))
            (now (ly:context-now ctxt)))
       (format #t "\ninitialize: ~s, id=~s, uid=~s, now=~s"
         ctxt id uid now)))
   ((finalize engraver)
     (let* ((ctxt (ly:translator-context engraver))
            (id (ly:context-id ctxt))
            (uid (custom-uid ctxt))
            (now (ly:context-now ctxt)))
       (format #t "\nfinalize: ~s, id=~s, uid=~s, now=~s"
         ctxt id uid now)))))

\layout { \context { \Voice \consists \handle-init-and-final } }

{ \relative c' { \new Voice { c4
 << \new Voice = foo { \voiceOne c8 d e4 }
    \new Voice { \voiceTwo c8 b c4 } >> d4 } } }

. . .
Interpreting music...
initialize: #<Context Voice () >, id="", uid=1, now=#<Mom -infinity>
initialize: #<Context Voice=foo () >, id="foo", uid=2, now=#<Mom 1/4>
initialize: #<Context Voice () >, id="", uid=3, now=#<Mom 1/4>
finalize: #<Context Voice=foo () >, id="foo", uid=2, now=#<Mom 3/4>
finalize: #<Context Voice () >, id="", uid=3, now=#<Mom 3/4>
finalize: #<Context Voice () >, id="", uid=1, now=#<Mom 1>
Preprocessing graphical objects...
. . .

NOTE: I am using Scheme object properties to attach a custom unique identifier to the contexts as they are seen, so it is possible to discern which context is which even when they are not named.

-- Aaron Hill

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