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first trial with

From: Stefan Thomas
Subject: first trial with
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 17:34:28 +0200

Dear community,
I' ve tried, for the 1st time,
I copied some code from the Docs. Unfortunately it didn't work as expected. I could compile the file but I can't see the metronome markings.
Could it be possible that lyp and and exclude each other?
Here' s my file:
\version "2.20.0"
global = { s1*1000 }
 %% a long length is provided
#(init '())

 %% Instruments list initially empty =>
%% the positions take into account previous timing insertions.
%% ( \global is re-analysed each time. )
 ;; Builds \global
(rm-with 'global 1 #{ \time 3/4 #} / ;; First, time signatures
10 #{ \time 5/8 #} /
20 #{ \time 4/4 #})
(cut-end 'global 70)
 ;; Cuts what's beyond
(x-rm 'global #{ \mark\default #}
 ;; Marks
10 20 30 40 50 60)
 ;; Tempo indications
1 (metronome "Allegro" "4" 120) /
10 (metronome "" "8" "8") /
20 (metronome "Allargando" "4" "4.")
30 "Piu mosso"
60 (markup #:column ("FINAL"
(metronome "Allegro vivo" "4" 200))))
(rm-with 'global 1 #{ \key c \major #} / ;; Key signatures
20 #{ \key c \minor #} /
30 #{ \key c \major #})
(x-rm 'global #{ \bar "||" #} 20 30 60)
 ;; Bars
(rm-with 'global 1 #{ \markLengthOn #})
 ;; Miscellaneous
(rm 'global 70 #{ \bar "|." #})
 ;; ...the final touch
 %% End \global
%% The list of instruments can now be initialized.
#(init '(test)) %% List not empty = fixed metric: any new timing event will be ignored
\new Staff { << \global \test >> }
While compiling I've got these error messages:
GNU LilyPond 2.20.0
Processing `/tmp/lyp/wrappers/'
/home/stefan/partituren/lilytricks/ error: GUILE signaled an error for the _expression_ beginnin
g here
Interpreting music...[8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `/tmp/lilypond-JkJ8B6'...
Converting to `arangertest.pdf'...
Deleting `/tmp/lilypond-JkJ8B6'...
Wrong type (expecting pair): ()
fatal error: failed files: "/tmp/lyp/wrappers/"

Thanks for any hint!

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