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Re: cresc over whole notes with lyrics

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: cresc over whole notes with lyrics
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2021 22:58:46 +0200

Am Mi., 9. Juni 2021 um 01:35 Uhr schrieb Molly Preston
> What is the best way to handle crescendos and decrescendos when they need to 
> start on beat 4 of a whole note for example.
> Lyrics that start in one voice also disappear when introducing <<...\\ ...>>
> using spacers for crescendos and decrescendos over a whole note that start on 
> a different beat other than the downbeat.
> In the following example the second syllable should start on the d'1 not it's 
> tied note.
> What is the best way to do crescendos, decrescendos, ties, \sustainOn etc in 
> these situations? Especially if the lyrics disappear, that's a problem.
> I seem to be missing something regarding voices I assume?
> How would you all handle this so the lyrics don't disappear?
> \version "2.20.0"
>  \new Staff <<
>     \new Voice = "music"  {
>       e'1 ~
>       <<
>         {e'1 | d'1 ~  }
>         \\
>         {s2 s \> }
>       >>
>     d'1
>     }
>    \new Lyrics \with {
>      \override VerticalAxisGroup.
>         nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing.padding = #2
>       \override VerticalAxisGroup.
>         nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing.padding = #2
>   }
>   %}
>  \lyricsto "music"  { Hel -- lo }
>  >>
> -Molly

Hi Molly,

iiuc you use the << {…} \\ {…} >> construct to start/end spanners at
measure positions not covered by entered notes or rests in the "main"
Because this construct creates _new_ Voices called "1", "2", etc it is
not suitable for this purpose as soon as said spanners are not
started/ended in the same Voice. And ofcourse Lyrics associated to the
main Voice will simply skip those Voices.
While there are always ways around it, I'd recommend not to use << {…}
\\ {…} >> for anything other then _short_ and temporary polyphonic
situation and close to never when Lyrics are part of the game.

You may try:
For associated Lyrics the NullVoice (not demonstarted below)
and/or simultaneous music in _one_, the main Voice for starting ending
spanners or use \at (by David K.)


\version "2.20.0"

at =
#(define-music-function (time event music)
  (ly:duration? ly:music? ly:music?)
"Place @var{event} at a relative duration @var{time} in relation
to @var{music}."
  #{ \context Bottom << { \skip $time <>$event } $music >> #})

  \new Staff = "control" \repeat unfold 16 r2
  \new Staff
    \new Voice = "music" {
      %% simultaneous music in one Voice
      e'1~ e'1 << d'1~ { s2 s\> } >> d'1\!
      %% using \at (actually very similiar to the above, more verbose coding)
      e'1~ e'1 \at 2 \> d'1~  d'1\!

  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "music"  { Hel -- lo Hel -- lo }


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