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Re: midi2ly

From: Knute Snortum
Subject: Re: midi2ly
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 14:22:01 -0700

I'm wondering if this could be a PATH issue. Can you type

lilypond --version

and get a meaningful response? If not, you may have to put the LilyPond bin directory on your PATH. Or use the full pathname midi2ly.

Knute Snortum

On Wed, May 4, 2022, 1:42 PM nkerr--- via LilyPond user discussion <> wrote:
Hi, thank you. I tried that, and no, that also comes up as 'not recognized.'

I don't see a separate installer for midi2ly, so how can I install it?

Nathan Kerr

May 4, 2022, 12:19 by
[sent to lilypond-user; please use the mailing list]
Hi, I'm trying to convert a midi file to a Lilypond string. >From the
I understand I'm supposed to use the following in cmd:

midi2ly [option]… midi-file
but I get "not recognized." I can successfully use Lilypond from
cmd. I don't see a separate installer for midi2ly and see no
documentation indicating how to get passed this issue.
Any help you can provide is much appreciated.

You can try:

midi2ly --version

to see if midi2ly has been installed correctly. If it is, possibly
midi2ly cannot handle your midi file.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
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