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Re: New hosting for Urs Liska's Scheme WIP book

From: Karlin High
Subject: Re: New hosting for Urs Liska's Scheme WIP book
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2022 18:13:36 -0500
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On 11/3/2022 5:39 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
If you have thoughts on the best path towards making
it easy for people to learn Scheme, with these two resources
as a starting point, feel free to express them.

I am glad to see this effort, thank you for doing it.

Within the past week, I used define-music-function in a fashion other than cargo-cult for the first time.

It was in a SATB choral piece. There is temporary polyphony within a single part some places. I started out writing it as chords, then saw there was unison notes within the temporary polyphony. I want them to show stems up and down indicating unison has not ended.

Therefore I went,

A temporary polyphonic passage can be created with the following construct:

<< { \voiceOne … }
  \new Voice { \voiceTwo … }
>> \oneVoice

...but got tired of having all that code each time there was a unison note among the temporary-polyphony chords.

Could a music function or something be shorthand for that? Let's see...


That page is pretty ideal. Here's the general form, what it contains, and how it can be used. I ended up with this:

\version "2.23.80"
uniTwo = #(define-music-function
             << { \voiceOne #uniNote }
                \new Voice { \voiceTwo #uniNote }
             >> \oneVoice

{ c'4 \uniTwo e' g' }

I may end up replacing all the chords with the temporary-polyphony construct. And I may get told my \uniTwo function is very far from best practice. Regardless, Scheme code seems a bit more approachable now.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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