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Re: Hiding lyrics extenders on empty measures

From: Jacques Menu
Subject: Re: Hiding lyrics extenders on empty measures
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 08:46:51 +0100

Hello Werner,

Thanks for pointing this out, and sorry for the noice : I’ve done so many 
attempts that this escaped me.

A nice day!


> Le 23 nov. 2022 à 08:05, Werner LEMBERG <> a écrit :
>> Overriding Score.LyricExtender.stencil to hide the extenders seems
>> to be ineffective, as show below. OverridingScore.LyricText.stencil
>> works fine, though.
> Well, you have
> ```
>        Lor -- d  -- |
> ```
> If you replace this with
> ```
>        Lor -- d  __ |
> ```
> it works as expected.  What am I missing?
>   Werner

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