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Re: Repeat segno weirdness

From: Valentin Petzel
Subject: Re: Repeat segno weirdness
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 13:41:47 +0100

Hello Jeff,

If I were to reduce what you are doing we’d have something like this

\relative c'' {
  R1*4 \bar "||"
  \repeat segno 2 {
    \alternative {
      { R1*4 }
        \sectionLabel "Coda"
  % Coda

So you are basically telling Lilypond: After some measures we have a segno, 
then the first time we play this part, then we jump back to the segno, but 
skipt the whole repeat part and  directly jump to the coda, which Lilypond 
correctly indicates by putting a volta bracket over the whole thing (actually 
you are almost asking for the volta bracket by manually specifying \volta 1). 
I suppose what you actually want to say is:

After some measures we have a segno, then we have the repeat part, at the end 
we jump back to segno, repeat the repeat part and then jump to coda, which 
would be done like this:

\relative c'' {
  R1*4 \bar "||"
  \repeat segno 2 {
    \alternative {
      { }
        \sectionLabel "Coda"
        % Coda

Alternatively if you want to have: After some measures put a segno, play the 
repeat part, jump back to segno, play only part of the repeat part and jump to 
coda you’d do:

\relative c'' {
  R1*4 \bar "||"
  \repeat segno 2 {
    \alternative {
      { R1*2 }
        \sectionLabel "Coda"
        % Coda

The marks used for the segnos and codas and dal segnos and poi la codas and 
stuff can be set to whatever you want.


Am Montag, 16. Jänner 2023, 07:50:04 CET schrieb Jeff Kopmanis:
> I'm using lilypond 2.24.0, and am having a problem that I can't identify
> with a \repeat segno structure.  I've enclosed the .ly and .pdf files.  It
> compiles cleanly, and displays mostly correct, but there's a curious "1st
> ending" (a volta spanner?) that appears, and I can't figure out where it's
> coming from.  I've run the \repeat segno sample code from the docs and it
> doesn't behave this way, but with my score, it does it without fail.  I've
> attached the resultant PDF to illustrate this 1st ending that lasts until
> the coda.  I found the example big band score code online and it seemed
> pretty straight-forward, and without the \repeat segno structures, it works
> fine, so there's some option that's defaulting, or something extra that's
> missing to produce this odd behavior.
> I'm at a loss at what's causing this.   Help!
> -Jeff. :)

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