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Spontini-Editor 1.20 released

From: Paolo Prete
Subject: Spontini-Editor 1.20 released
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 13:58:41 +0100


A new release (1.20-alpha) of Spontini-Editor is available at:

It includes two important features:

1) The application is now _totally_ no-install. This means that you just need to unzip the downloaded release for the desired operating system (Linux, Windows or MacOS) and click on the executable to launch the editor, which now starts very quickly (I applied the same method used by LilyPond).
Furthermore, there is no need to download and install LilyPond either: Spontini-Editor will automatically download and bundle, inside its tree, one or more versions of LilyPond, at the user's choice. By default, it will use LilyPond 2.24.0

2) (For readers with knowledge of software development) A big set of CI/CD tests has been added. These tests ensure strong stability to the program. One of the tests, for example, compiles all the included examples for numerous versions of LilyPond, on all three supported operating systems: this also catches LilyPond regressions (and in fact with this tool I identified the one reported in the following issue: ). The tests really involve all the parts of the program, from the GUI (via Cypress) to the backend and _all_ the included libraries are automatically tested. There are also tests made with ImageMagick to verify that scores' output is perceptually correct (and this is usefulĀ also for catching LilyPond's regressions). The creation of releases with executables has also been automated.

Thanks to these features, I will do very easy and fast updates in the future months for all the supported platforms and included tools.
The current release is labeled as alfa, but it should work.
I'll put it as non-alfa in the next few days, depending on feedback and further tests done.

Therefore, any feedback is _greatly_ appreciated (please report any issue on the GitHub page)!

Visit the homepage of the project for more infos:


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