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From: Mark Christiaens
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 14:45:57 +0200 (MET DST)

I've just installed the TeX fonts.  I edited and ran the makefile.  Now
I'm trying: 

@SysInclude { teq }
@SysInclude { doc }

@Doc @Text @Begin

@CD {40p} @Font @Eq { a union b }

@End @Text

and I get 

lout file "/usr/local/lout/lib/include/teq" (from "teqtest.lout" line 1):
   24,25: fatal error: cannot write to database file

Am I doint something wrong.  It seems to work with @SysInclude { eq }
instead of teq. 

# Mark Christiaens
# address@hidden
# Engineer in the Computing Science
# St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
# B-9000 Gent
# tel.: 032 9 264 33 67
# Belgium
# Truth is stranger than fiction

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