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@ListItem and @NumberOf

From: Michael Piotrowski
Subject: @ListItem and @NumberOf
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 19:41:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) XEmacs/21.4.17 (berkeley-unix)

According to the User's Guide, p. 50,

  Cross referencing of list items yields just the number of the item,
  in Arabic, Roman, or whatever

I understand this to mean that the result of @NumberOf for a @ListItem
depends on the list type, i.e., it would produce "1", "I" or "a"
depending on whether the @ListItem appears in a @NumberedList,
@UCRomanList or @AlphaList, respectively.

However, in fact it seems to always produce the number of the the
item, regardless of the list type.  For example,

  @Text @Begin

  @ListItem @Tag {itema} {Lorem ipsum}
  @ListItem @Tag {itemb} {Dolor sit amet}

  This is a reference to list item @NumberOf {itemb}.

  @End @Text


  I.   Lorem ipsum

  II.  Dolor sit amet

  This is a reference to list item 2.

Is this a bug, or have I misunderstood something?

Thanks in advance

Michael Piotrowski, M.A.                               <address@hidden>
Public key at <http://www.dynalabs.de/mxp/pubkey.txt>

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