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Re: choose font for content in `book' setup

From: j . van den hoff
Subject: Re: choose font for content in `book' setup
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 13:46:53 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Jeff Kingston <jeff <at> it.usyd.edu.au> writes:

> > is there no way to select fonts for all levels of section entries
> > into the table of contents?
> You should be able to use the @ContentsFormat setup file option
> to do this, by placing a @Font symbol inside it.  If it doesn't
> work, let me know.
> Jeff

thanks, this works indeed to the extent that it allows to switch to, say, 
helvetica for _all_ entries.  this is probably sufficient but offers much less 
flexibility than what's provided for fine tuning each section heading level 
separately (e.g. one could want to use exactly the same fonts in the Contents 
as in the running text for the section headings). question: would this be a 
sensible and possible extension for some future release: making each level in 
the contents settable separately?

(and a hint in the manual regarding @ContentsFormat would be helpful for lout 
beginners like me).


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