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Re: [Ltib] Re: Kernel and Ubuntu 9.04

From: Stuart Hughes
Subject: Re: [Ltib] Re: Kernel and Ubuntu 9.04
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 10:32:12 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080707)

Hi Marcos,

Glad you managed to fix the problem. Those links should have already been created when LTIB was installed (mkspooflinks package) so I'm not sure why this happened.

Regards, Stuart

Marcos Cunha wrote:

I found the problem.

The symbolic link files in /opt/freescale/ltib/usr/spoof was missing.

I created the link files and the kernel is now running.

Below the link files:

addr2line -> spoof_wrapper
ar -> spoof_wrapper
as -> spoof_wrapper
c++ -> spoof_wrapper
cc -> spoof_wrapper
c++filt -> spoof_wrapper
cpp -> spoof_wrapper
g++ -> spoof_wrapper
gasp -> spoof_wrapper
gcc -> spoof_wrapper
ld -> spoof_wrapper
nm -> spoof_wrapper
objcopy -> spoof_wrapper
objdump -> spoof_wrapper
ranlib -> spoof_wrapper
readelf -> spoof_wrapper
size -> spoof_wrapper
strings -> spoof_wrapper
strip -> spoof_wrapper


Marcos Cunha wrote:

PS: I have the latest version of binutils package.

Marcos Cunha wrote:
I am trying to complie the linux kernel using LTIB for MPC8315e freescale processor., but I received the following message.

+ make ARCH=powerpc CROSS_COMPILE= 'HOSTCC=/usr/bin/gcc -B/usr/bin//' uImage
scripts/kconfig/conf -s arch/powerpc/Kconfig
arch/powerpc/Kconfig:75:warning: 'select' used by config symbol 'PPC' refers to undefined symbol 'HAVE_MCOUNT'
*** 2.6 kernels no longer build correctly with old versions of binutils.
*** Please upgrade your binutils to 2.12.1 or newer
make: *** [checkbin] Error 1

I had Ubuntu 8.10 and It was fine. Now I am using the Ubuntu 9.04.

Thanks in advance.


*Marcos Aurélio pinto cunha, PMP
Engenheiro eletricista / electrical engineer



Fone: +55 (85) 3216.7934
Fax: +55 (85) 3216.7864

Skype: marcos.cunha.ufc

*ISO 9001 : 2000 - CMMI3***

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*Marcos Aurélio pinto cunha, PMP
Engenheiro eletricista / electrical engineer



Fone: +55 (85) 3216.7934
Fax: +55 (85) 3216.7864

Skype: marcos.cunha.ufc

*ISO 9001 : 2000 - CMMI3***

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