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Re: [lwip-users] New lwip user - large bss size

From: Jani Monoses
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] New lwip user - large bss size
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 15:00:19 +0200

> Does lwip have its own heap manager, or will the standard C library
> heap manager be used?
it has it's own manager.

> What settings would people suggest for a 128KB system (heap size,
> number and size of buffers etc)?

the best is to set them to minimal and then after your app works try
increasing to improve performance if you're not satisfied.
It's not only the heap size that matters but the size of the pbuf_pool
the size of one pbuf in the pool, the number of permitted connections

Some parts of the system indeed use the heap you spotted, some parts are
preallocated and used by the memory pool subsystem and the others use
the pbuf pools.
the files to consult are in the core directory : mem.c memp.c and pbuf.c

also looking at lwipopts.h can give you a feel of what kind of tunables
influence ram usage

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