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Re: [lwip-users] help: how to use interrupt in RAW_API mode under Xilinx

From: ye wu
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] help: how to use interrupt in RAW_API mode under Xilinx-V2
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 11:10:57 +0800

Oh, i see.
Thanks a lot, Sathya.
I can get a speed of around 1MByte/s now in a UDP packet transmit when working in the interrupt mode and with Cache open.
I found that if we put Simple DMA and Cache together, there seems some problem.
And in the document, it is said that the .data can not be cached and they suggest to put it into a BRAM memory for better performance.
i did so, and put it into plb_bram_if_cntlr_1. but the address is just under my Cache region. Can we set the exactly cache region in the SBS?
We can only see XCache_EnableDCache enabled a large range of memory address for cache or need i change the address of  my plb_bram_if_cntlr_1 ?
And i also found that we can't put .data into the docm_cntrl which is connected by a D-COM controller to PPC?
By the way, can we use scatter gather DMA? i haven't see in the document that Raw_API support scatter gather DMA.
And i found that the speed get a peak about 1.3MB/s when the package length is set to 1470 bytes in my UDP programme. When i try to send a large package, there seems no trans back then. is the package length restricted by the pbuf_pool_size that is set to 1536 or is there anything wrong in my UDP receive function ?
    void *receiveUDP(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port) {
(And my test program is a UDP client that set under Windows and keep on transmit a package of certain length and receive it.)
Thanks for your time and patient to help me.
Best Regards,
Ye Wu

On 10/25/06, Sathya Thammanur <address@hidden > wrote:
Ye Wu,
You can comment this for the older version of lwIP (0.5.3). In the new version (0.7.2), the lwIP adapter was optimized for performance and this function triggers the packet processing while the interrupt just retrieves the packet.


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