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[lwip-users] detect IP/UDP destination address

From: beach . dk
Subject: [lwip-users] detect IP/UDP destination address
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:54:47 +0100


I have set up an UDP-server using the raw API

   upcb= udp_new();
   udp_recv( upcb, callback_recv, get_nic_netif() );
   udp_bind( upcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, 1234 );

In my callback_recv function I can see the IP address of the UDP-client
so I can reply to it.

But........ I would like to detect if the client sent the incoming UDP
packet using unicast or broadcast (so I can respond with a
corresponding unicats/broacast packet).

Is this possible?


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