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Re: [lwip-users] Hello to mailinglist

From: Adib Taraben
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] Hello to mailinglist
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 15:23:56 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

Hello Mike,

thanks for your info. I use the CS8900if that is in /contrib/ports/old/c16x/netif
The latest change was a patch for odd buffer size.

I would be glad if you could send me the driver off-list.

Thx, Adib.

Mike Kleshov wrote:
2009/2/13 Adib Taraben <address@hidden>:
I just want to say hello.

I start an lwip project and applied to the mailing list.

I am working on a 16bit infineon XC167 board from Phytec using keil
compiler. On the board is an C8900. There is no operating system.
Currently I adopted the infineon Application note
(AP1610610_LWIP_TCPIP_Stack) and tweaked this example to run using latest

If anyone has any dos and don'ts to that combinations please let me know.

Regards, Adib.

I have a similar setup: an ARM7TDMI-based MCU and a CS8900A, no OS.
Lwip is used to enable a web interface. I am using raw API. Everything
works nicely.
I took the driver for CS8900A from the contrib module of lwip. At some
point I fixed a bug in that driver, the fix was committed to CVS.
Later I enhanced that driver to include a softwarу FIFO in order to
minimize the chance of dropping incoming packets when the on-chip
buffer is full.
If you are interested in my new driver, I can post it somewhere. It
would probably make sense to include it into contrib module. I just
don't know how it would fit into existing structure of contrib. I
don't think this driver could be 'everything to anyone'. In some
applications it could work with only minor modifications, in others it
can be used as a starting point.

- mike

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