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Re: [Monotone-devel] What _if_ the hash for two manifests happens to be

From: graydon hoare
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] What _if_ the hash for two manifests happens to be the same?
Date: 22 Nov 2003 20:38:01 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Magnus Therning <address@hidden> writes:

> They are the same indeed! I would have liked to be able to undo my
> mistake. How useful would 'unmerge' be?

it'd have a tricky UI, but I could imagine it being useful. I'd like
to have a slightly general mechanism for undoing commits and merges,
before you post them, but I haven't implemented such a thing.

> Correct me if I am wrong:
>  - A 'merge' is done in the "tree" (i.e. database immediately). 

a merge is done in the database, amongst the divergent heads of a
branch (if there are any), and it is written back to the database and
queued for transmission. it doesn't need a working copy or anything.

> This would mean:
>  - This makes it different from 'cvs up -jX -jY' which always happens
>    in the work space.
>  - No explicit 'commit' is needed to put things into the tree,
>    and any fixes that are needed to correct merge mistakes have to be
>    commited separately.
>  - The current directory isn't affected at all, and any work spaces
>    based on one of the previous heads have to be updated to reflect the
>    changes.

yes, that is all correct. there is actually a long-ish thread in which
we discussed this UI a bit, and how it might be improved (making
"touchups" to merges, and why that might or might not be desirable). I
think we settled on some ideas, some direction, but no code yet:


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