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Re: [Monotone-devel] compatibility woes

From: graydon hoare
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] compatibility woes
Date: 28 Nov 2003 11:14:32 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Christof Petig <address@hidden> writes:

> It would be kind to design the configure system in a way which makes
> shared linking easily possible for the ones which care
> (--enable-shared ?)

sure, sounds ok.

> I was not as shocked of an incompatible change as I was shocked of the
> advice to delete the database.
> What are the downsides of an monotone fetch? Why isn't it enough in
> this case? This bothers me more.

oh, I just meant "absolute easiest". a plain fetch will only get new
packets from the depot; I actually replaced the old (bad) packet
in-place, in the depot, so you need to (at least) fetch again from
sequence number 1000 or so. and anyways, fetching alone doesn't delete
the old cert from your db. the second-easiest thing to do is:

  $ ID=a7cebc58c595545c5e56ce5bb33a9dcee8acb65d

  $ monotone debug "delete from manifest_certs where id='$ID' and name='rename'"

  $ monotone read <<EOF
[mcert a7cebc58c595545c5e56ce5bb33a9dcee8acb65d

and then you'll have my new cert for a7ceb... you'll have to do
something similar if you made any rename certs of your own. I just
figured, well, since relatively few people have fed packets back up
yet, probably most are just "tracking" the depot, rather than
making changes, so fetching anew is even easier.

> I got stuck at the 'space is not allowed in filenames' point during an
> CVS import. Count this mail as another vote for supporting it ;-)

noted. ' ' and '-' both count as internationalized character support
in my book, insofar asqq they'll be addressed on the same time scale
(next few weeks). I hope that's not too long.


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