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Re: [Monotone-devel] [ANNOUNCE] monotone 0.27 released

From: Jeronimo Pellegrini
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] [ANNOUNCE] monotone 0.27 released
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 21:48:59 -0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060403

>         Major new features:
>         - Monotone can now push/pull/synchronize over arbitrary
>           bidirectional streams, not just raw TCP.
>           - File-to-file synchronization is enabled out of the box,
>             e.g.:
>               $ mtn -d sync file:/path/to/
>           - SSH synchronization is enabled out of the box, e.g.:
>               $ mtn -d sync ssh://address@hidden/home/njs/
>             Note that this requires mtn be installed on the remote
>             computer, and locks the remote database while running; it
>             is not ideal for groups accessing a shared database.

That's freat! Incremental distributed backups for my personal projects!

But it doesn't seem to compile here...
This is revision 3f4f8a28a1339f80cc3cc6dfe8bbca4a221e01b2,
which is 0.27 plus a few changes, it seems. I did make clean, a new
./confgure, and make. g++ 4.1 fails complaining about multiple definitions.

The last command from make was:

-fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -W -Wno-unused   -o mtn  mtn-sanity.o
mtn-ui.o mtn-vocab.o mtn-charset.o mtn-simplestring_xform.o mtn-constants.o 
mtn-paths.o mtn-lua.o mtn-mkstemp.o mtn-file_io.o
mtn-globish.o mtn-basic_io.o mtn-app_state.o mtn-commands.o mtn-cmd_netsync.o 
mtn-cmd_list.o mtn-cmd_packet.o mtn-cmd_key_cert.o
mtn-cmd_merging.o mtn-cmd_db.o mtn-cmd_diff_log.o mtn-cmd_ws_commit.o 
mtn-cmd_othervcs.o mtn-cmd_automate.o mtn-cmd_files.o mtn-diff_patch.o
mtn-lua_hooks.o mtn-transforms.o mtn-update.o mtn-work.o mtn-cert.o 
mtn-database.o mtn-key_store.o mtn-localized_file_io.o mtn-keys.o
mtn-packet.o mtn-rcs_file.o mtn-xdelta.o mtn-schema_migration.o mtn-refiner.o 
mtn-enumerator.o mtn-netsync.o mtn-netxx_pipe.o
mtn-netcmd.o mtn-merkle_tree.o mtn-lcs.o mtn-rcs_import.o mtn-revision.o 
mtn-cset.o mtn-roster.o mtn-mt_version.o mtn-automate.o
mtn-database_check.o mtn-epoch.o mtn-inodeprint.o mtn-selectors.o 
mtn-annotate.o mtn-restrictions.o mtn-hmac.o mtn-string_queue.o
mtn-roster_merge.o mtn-merge.o mtn-legacy.o mtn-uri.o mtn-package_revision.o 
mtn-package_full_revision.o mtn-monotone.o
mtn-main.o lib3rdparty.a libplatform.a    -lz -ldl -lboost_regex 
-lboost_date_time -lboost_filesystem 

And the errors are:

mtn-commands.o:(.data+0x0): multiple definition of 
mtn-app_state.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here
mtn-cmd_netsync.o:(.data+0x0): multiple definition of 
mtn-app_state.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here
mtn-cmd_list.o:(.data+0x0): multiple definition of 
mtn-app_state.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here
mtn-cmd_packet.o:(.data+0x0): multiple definition of 
mtn-app_state.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here

And a bunch of similar errors (all complainint about symbols in both
mtn-app_state and mtn-cmd_list).


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